Several months ago I began really listening to friends and fellow BeautyTubers about the brilliance of Laura Geller, although interested, I wasn't totally sold. I have had my fair share of "It" products that are supposed to make my skin flawless, make me feel fabulous, and make me want to buy everything that comes in the line. While I tried to take it all with a grain of salt, I continued to hear these wonderful things. Many times I try and wait until the buzz has died down around ANY new beauty product, THATS when all pod the not-so-nice truths/opinions come out, but here I was a few months later STILL hearing wonderful things.
So aout a month ago I went to Ulta and purchased the $20 trial kit of LG - a Full Size The Real Deal Concealer, a trial of Spackel, and a trial of Balance & Brighten. Sadly, the only one left was on Light - as you know, I am olive. I still rushed home to begin using it - the primer was fabulous, water based (which I LOVE my silicon-based primers) but not so thin that I felt it to be pointless - The Real Deal Concealer, full sized, in light, yes far too light for me, but the point is that was was HEAVY, full coverage! My favorite type of concealer, I cannot express how little is needed, about the size of 2 sesame seeds and a bit thicker, it is fabulous, if I mix it with a bit of a darker concealer its absolutely perfect - and then the Balance & Brighten in light, obviously too light, but again the point is that it is a fantastic product. Its multi dimensional, baked on a terra-cotta stone for 24 hours, with just a small hint of luminescence, this product kept my skin flawless and even.
Yesterday I was out shopping and I decided to pick up the full sizes of those products (and a few more!) at Ulta - Balance & Brighten has become one of my favorite powder foundations. The color just melts into my own (I attribute tat to all of the beautiful mixes of tones and pigments), my skin looks and feel light and even (which is huge as my skin is usually uneven and combo). The Bonze & Brighten is lovely for contouring or a bit of color added for that beautifully healthy glow.
Full size Balance & Brighten is $31 with a whopping 9 grams of product!
Full size Spackel is $25 with TWO OUNCES!!!!!!
These prices are phenomenal.
And to let you all know - Ulta is having several great deals going on, 20% off your ENTIRE in store purchase!! As long as you have your coupon, so sign up for their mailing list! And online deals are hot too - FREE SHIPPING on ALL ORDER $25 and up!! The code at checkout is: HOLIDAYSHP25
Happy Shopping!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Glamour Doll Eyes
I am really excited to share with you all my pigments & shadows (when they arrive!) from GDE. I just placed the order about 10 minutes ago - I was so inspired to do so by watching one of my favorite Beauty Gals on YouTube, ThatGirlShaeXO - I ordered the following colors:
- Hello Brooklyn
- Hollywood
- Tattooed
- Royal Assassin
- Trophy Wife
- Undead
They have a huge assortment of shimmers and mattes, eye lights and glosses! I encourage all of you lovelies to check them out!
- Hello Brooklyn
- Hollywood
- Tattooed
- Royal Assassin
- Trophy Wife
- Undead
They have a huge assortment of shimmers and mattes, eye lights and glosses! I encourage all of you lovelies to check them out!
MAC Glitter & Ice Collection out now!
I am absolutely squeaking with happiness && excitement right now - The Mac Holiday Glitter && Ice Collection is available online RIGHT NOW! I have visions of sugar plums and Dazzle Glasses dancing in my head! A wonderful assortment to choose from - from Bags & Kits to single Paint Pots, Teknicolor Khol Liners, and Nail Polishes with WHITE PACKAGING! This is some pretty exciting stuff my lovelies. So far here is a rundown of my first impression favorites (mind you, this can all change by tonight, next week, or December....) Here we go!
From the Holiday Colour Collection:
- Mineralize Eyeshadows (3grams of product!!) in the colors: Snow Season, Hold That Pose, & Fresh
- Glitter & Ice Paint Pots - ALL 3!! Although Lets Skate looks a lot like Bare Study.
- Glitter & Ice Lipstick in: Double Spin & What Joy
- Glitter & Ice Dazzle Glass in: Pleasure Principle, Dressed to Dazzle, Love Alert, & Spanking Rich
- Glitter & Ice Nail Laquer in: Unconditionally Fabulous & Get Noticed!
Bags & Kits
- Make it Perfect Brush Set - Mineralize
- Iced Delights Lip Bag - Sultry
- Fabulously Festive Face Kit in Warm
SO FAR this is what I am considering getting for the Holidays. Check out the collection and tell me your first thoughts!!!
MAC Brush dupe!
SO I was looking through my brushes and I have no idea why I didn't see this sooner - but for me, I found a truly acceptable dupe for the MAC 224. The Sonia Kashuk Pointed Blending Brush ($3.99 at & at Target) works JUST as brilliantly as the 224!!
I try to utilize my inexpensive brushes in my tutorials on YOuTube so that the look is much more accessible to anyone who would like to re attempt it. I actually REALLY enjoy Sonia Kashuk brushes quite a bit and once I bought the Pointed Blending Brush I actually began to ignore my 224 altogether! Obviously for those who are true blue MAC brush gurus, it will not be the same and thats not only understandable but its OK. Its like telling me that Wet N Wild is "just as good" as Urban Decay - Heck No! I have been a true blue UD girl for nearly a decade, so while something may be acceptable for one person, it certainly may not be for the next.
I just figured I would share my personal opinion with you lovelies and give you the chance to check it out for yourselves :-)
Kisses, Hugs, And Makeup Brushes,
I try to utilize my inexpensive brushes in my tutorials on YOuTube so that the look is much more accessible to anyone who would like to re attempt it. I actually REALLY enjoy Sonia Kashuk brushes quite a bit and once I bought the Pointed Blending Brush I actually began to ignore my 224 altogether! Obviously for those who are true blue MAC brush gurus, it will not be the same and thats not only understandable but its OK. Its like telling me that Wet N Wild is "just as good" as Urban Decay - Heck No! I have been a true blue UD girl for nearly a decade, so while something may be acceptable for one person, it certainly may not be for the next.
I just figured I would share my personal opinion with you lovelies and give you the chance to check it out for yourselves :-)
Kisses, Hugs, And Makeup Brushes,
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
WINNER of the Vicky's GIVEAWAY!!!
I want to thank you all for entering this giveaway and a HUGE THANK YOU to Victoria at for sponsoring this review & giveaway - it was so much fun with some gorgeous jewelry & lipsticks!!
I used RANDOM.ORG to get the winner - video responses were worth 50 extra entries.
So the winner of the 2 pair of earrings is...
CONGRATULATIONS!! Thank you so much to EVERYONE who entered - please don't get discouraged I have FIVE GIVEAWAYS going on RIGHT NOW! I will be having nearly 10 next month and a whole BUNCH for Christmas! So please remember that you will always have a chance to win!
Sierrra aka fr0ggyfbaby - you have 48 hours to contact me !!! Just send me an email on YouTube with the following:
Please congrats to the winner you guys rock LOVE YOU!!
I used RANDOM.ORG to get the winner - video responses were worth 50 extra entries.
So the winner of the 2 pair of earrings is...
CONGRATULATIONS!! Thank you so much to EVERYONE who entered - please don't get discouraged I have FIVE GIVEAWAYS going on RIGHT NOW! I will be having nearly 10 next month and a whole BUNCH for Christmas! So please remember that you will always have a chance to win!
Sierrra aka fr0ggyfbaby - you have 48 hours to contact me !!! Just send me an email on YouTube with the following:
Please congrats to the winner you guys rock LOVE YOU!!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
The Perfection of Skin
So many companies out there today market their product(s) as being "The ONE!!" to cure your of your ever so aging skin, or to diminish and damn near erase any signs of imperfection. Obviously I could say something to the matter of "Imperfect IS perfect" - but who would I be kidding? And even if some of us really DO believe that, when it comes to our own body/face/skin/etc it's much more difficult to believe. However there are tiny steps we can take that make a big impact on the future of our skin; for me, hydration is key.
So what are some tips for beautiful, healthy skin?
- Drink WATER! 8 glasses a day (24 hours) is what recommended, but of course ever girl is different, you can always consult your dermatologist, MD, nutritionist, etc. Staying hydrated not only helps you feel more alive, more awake, but also gets your cells nice and lubricated, full and ready to fight off free radicals (nasty buggers that can hard us!). Having hydrated cells also relates directly to your EPITHELIAL CELLS aka - skin cells. Taking care of them means gorgeous, smooth skin for YOU.
- Shower Daily (or sometimes more if you work out, do Yoga/Pilates, etc). Perspiration is a really GOOD thing, it helps remove toxins in your body, but don't let them rest and dry up on your skin! Remove them with a nice, luke warm shower.
- Don't ever go to bed wearing makeup, at the very LEAST, always have handy those makeup removing toweletts. This isn't ideal by any means, but it is better than doing nothing at all. When you sleep your body (and its' cells) regenerate, kind of like a battery recharging, it can't properly regenerate when its' pores are clogged up, thus breakouts occur when the toxins and bacteria have nowhere to go, so they build up into nasty little pimples.
- Eat Healthy - that's not to say you can't enjoy your favorite ice cream or snack food, but just be mindful of what goes inside of your body. Try to refuel with things that your body can benefit from - foods high in vitamins, fiber, and whole grains are the best choices.
- Keep your hands off your face - we don't always realize how much our hands come in contact with on a daily basis - even a walk to the bus stop or grabbing a latte, germs and bacteria are everywhere. Its a nice idea to wash your hands often or carry hand sanitizers, but the best possible thing would be keep your hands off your face.
- Supplements - If you feel that you aren't getting enough of what you need via daily food consumption, consider supplementation. Fish Oils are always amazing, Vitamins E and B12 are great as well. However always talk to your doctor before taking supplements as they may be contraindicated with any medications you may be on and you can tailor your dose to your specific body.
- Use a clarifying mask once a week - or make one!Lemon & Sugar scrubs are great and you can make them in under 5 minutes at home. Mud masks can be purchased at many drug stores such as Walgreens, Bartles, and CVS.
- For washing your face, use a trusted and reputable brand. It doesn't have to be a very high end product, but remember - this is YOUR FACE. It's the first thing people see - keep it glowing, girl! I always use Lancome, Clinique, and Pangea Organics. But a great lower end brand is Olay. Try to stick to companies that have factual data & research - when a company invests their time & money into the safety and efficacy of their products, its always a good sign. With facial cleansers, what you pay for is what you get.
- Facial Lotions - same rule applies here as above. I have used Clinique' s Dramatically Different Facial Lotion for well over a decade (12 years now!) and have recently been falling in love with Pangea Organics - trusted & proved products.
- Keep stress to a minimum - this can be esp[ecially difficult if you're a college student (before I graduated college I was always a stressed out wreck! I was attending TWO colleges at one so I could take my national nursing boards sooner so I would spend my morning at UW - University of Washington - and my nights at Pima Medical Institute). Again, easier said than done - but if you feel that the stress is overwhelming, talk to somebody - a therapist, a friend, or me! Im always here for you, plus I am a volunteer counselor as well.
- Sometimes bad skin is genetic - if you notice acne that is persistent (and NOT part of puberty or PMS) you may want to see a dermatologist.
- Makeup - I have super oily skin, but I adore liquid foundation. So I switch back and forth often - when it's dry out I use liquid - and I use high end brands. With cosmetics that go all over your face, its so so so so SO important to be using a very GOOD, HIGH QUALITY product. My top liquid picks? CLINIQUE, LANCOME, MAC. When its hot out or I get oily, I stick to a powder foundation such as SHEER COVER. I have found 2 drug store brands that actually are OK with my skin (which is VERY rare) HARD CANDY & RIMMEL LONDON. And ALWAYS use a primer.
These are a just a few tips that are personally my opinions :-) I really hope this helped some of you out! Skin is the LARGEST ORGAN in/on our body - treat yours well and it will give you years of looks from cute guys and lots of confidence.
So what are some tips for beautiful, healthy skin?
- Drink WATER! 8 glasses a day (24 hours) is what recommended, but of course ever girl is different, you can always consult your dermatologist, MD, nutritionist, etc. Staying hydrated not only helps you feel more alive, more awake, but also gets your cells nice and lubricated, full and ready to fight off free radicals (nasty buggers that can hard us!). Having hydrated cells also relates directly to your EPITHELIAL CELLS aka - skin cells. Taking care of them means gorgeous, smooth skin for YOU.
- Shower Daily (or sometimes more if you work out, do Yoga/Pilates, etc). Perspiration is a really GOOD thing, it helps remove toxins in your body, but don't let them rest and dry up on your skin! Remove them with a nice, luke warm shower.
- Don't ever go to bed wearing makeup, at the very LEAST, always have handy those makeup removing toweletts. This isn't ideal by any means, but it is better than doing nothing at all. When you sleep your body (and its' cells) regenerate, kind of like a battery recharging, it can't properly regenerate when its' pores are clogged up, thus breakouts occur when the toxins and bacteria have nowhere to go, so they build up into nasty little pimples.
- Eat Healthy - that's not to say you can't enjoy your favorite ice cream or snack food, but just be mindful of what goes inside of your body. Try to refuel with things that your body can benefit from - foods high in vitamins, fiber, and whole grains are the best choices.
- Keep your hands off your face - we don't always realize how much our hands come in contact with on a daily basis - even a walk to the bus stop or grabbing a latte, germs and bacteria are everywhere. Its a nice idea to wash your hands often or carry hand sanitizers, but the best possible thing would be keep your hands off your face.
- Supplements - If you feel that you aren't getting enough of what you need via daily food consumption, consider supplementation. Fish Oils are always amazing, Vitamins E and B12 are great as well. However always talk to your doctor before taking supplements as they may be contraindicated with any medications you may be on and you can tailor your dose to your specific body.
- Use a clarifying mask once a week - or make one!Lemon & Sugar scrubs are great and you can make them in under 5 minutes at home. Mud masks can be purchased at many drug stores such as Walgreens, Bartles, and CVS.
- For washing your face, use a trusted and reputable brand. It doesn't have to be a very high end product, but remember - this is YOUR FACE. It's the first thing people see - keep it glowing, girl! I always use Lancome, Clinique, and Pangea Organics. But a great lower end brand is Olay. Try to stick to companies that have factual data & research - when a company invests their time & money into the safety and efficacy of their products, its always a good sign. With facial cleansers, what you pay for is what you get.
- Facial Lotions - same rule applies here as above. I have used Clinique' s Dramatically Different Facial Lotion for well over a decade (12 years now!) and have recently been falling in love with Pangea Organics - trusted & proved products.
- Keep stress to a minimum - this can be esp[ecially difficult if you're a college student (before I graduated college I was always a stressed out wreck! I was attending TWO colleges at one so I could take my national nursing boards sooner so I would spend my morning at UW - University of Washington - and my nights at Pima Medical Institute). Again, easier said than done - but if you feel that the stress is overwhelming, talk to somebody - a therapist, a friend, or me! Im always here for you, plus I am a volunteer counselor as well.
- Sometimes bad skin is genetic - if you notice acne that is persistent (and NOT part of puberty or PMS) you may want to see a dermatologist.
- Makeup - I have super oily skin, but I adore liquid foundation. So I switch back and forth often - when it's dry out I use liquid - and I use high end brands. With cosmetics that go all over your face, its so so so so SO important to be using a very GOOD, HIGH QUALITY product. My top liquid picks? CLINIQUE, LANCOME, MAC. When its hot out or I get oily, I stick to a powder foundation such as SHEER COVER. I have found 2 drug store brands that actually are OK with my skin (which is VERY rare) HARD CANDY & RIMMEL LONDON. And ALWAYS use a primer.
These are a just a few tips that are personally my opinions :-) I really hope this helped some of you out! Skin is the LARGEST ORGAN in/on our body - treat yours well and it will give you years of looks from cute guys and lots of confidence.
Friday, October 21, 2011
NEW GIVEAWAY- This one you'll love!
Recently I was granted the opportunity the review a pair of earrings from a wonderful Etsy Shop & Owner located in Poland, MMAGDA. She makes the most adorable miniature, polymer clay dessert replica jewelry. When I saw her creations, I was stunned - the detail work is over the top intricate! From dazzling donuts with delicate sprinkles to insatiable ice cream cone earrings - your sweet tooth will be begging for more!
I was sent the Blue Cupcake Post Earrings to review and to keep - I was so happy with this set of earrings - hypoallergenic, not once did I feel them on my lobes. The posts did not turn my lobes green or make my ears itch; they absolutely were a joy to wear from morning into the late evening hours - I actually forgot that they were on my ears and went to bed with them on!
Her selection doesn't stop at cupcakes - she has the most delectable macaroon earrings, chocolate chip mint ice cream cone earrings, cupcake rings with different colored "cups", necklaces with donuts dangling from the silver's as if you walk into a virtual sweets shop!
Her pricing is very reasonable as well - the pair of earrings she sent me retail in her Etsy shop for $9.50 USD - the higher end price cuts off at $12.00 USD.
Shipping - I was quite happy with the amount of time it took from the date she shipped to the arrival date 0 less than 14 days coming from Poland to Seattle, Washington. Talk about fast service!
Shipping is $2.00 if you live in Poland and $4.00 anywhere else in the world.
I am currently hosting a Giveaway for one (1) lucky winner to get the chance to pick out ANY ONE ITEM from her Etsy shop!! And its a super easy giveaway - COMMENT ONLY!
For rules please check out the video:
I was sent the Blue Cupcake Post Earrings to review and to keep - I was so happy with this set of earrings - hypoallergenic, not once did I feel them on my lobes. The posts did not turn my lobes green or make my ears itch; they absolutely were a joy to wear from morning into the late evening hours - I actually forgot that they were on my ears and went to bed with them on!
Her selection doesn't stop at cupcakes - she has the most delectable macaroon earrings, chocolate chip mint ice cream cone earrings, cupcake rings with different colored "cups", necklaces with donuts dangling from the silver's as if you walk into a virtual sweets shop!
Her pricing is very reasonable as well - the pair of earrings she sent me retail in her Etsy shop for $9.50 USD - the higher end price cuts off at $12.00 USD.
Shipping - I was quite happy with the amount of time it took from the date she shipped to the arrival date 0 less than 14 days coming from Poland to Seattle, Washington. Talk about fast service!
Shipping is $2.00 if you live in Poland and $4.00 anywhere else in the world.
I am currently hosting a Giveaway for one (1) lucky winner to get the chance to pick out ANY ONE ITEM from her Etsy shop!! And its a super easy giveaway - COMMENT ONLY!
For rules please check out the video:
Thursday, October 20, 2011
The 31 Days of Halloween - NEW LOOK!
Hey there beauties! I posted my newest Halloween look on my YouTube channel ( - basically the look was inspired by pictures I Googled of new wave Harajuku meets Anime meets YouTubers! It was a lot of fun to create, I really hope you girlies love it and try it out yourselves!!! If you wind up trying it, PUH-LEEZE post it as a video response! Here is the link to the video:
So tell me loves, what are you going to be for Halloween? Also! I have had several requests for Halloween looks - the next few I will be filming are as follows: A Sexy Angel. A Mermaid, Gruesome Ripped Out Eyes, A Bullet Wound to the Head, and a Pretty Pink Doll.
Any more requests? Hugs & Harajuku Love,
So tell me loves, what are you going to be for Halloween? Also! I have had several requests for Halloween looks - the next few I will be filming are as follows: A Sexy Angel. A Mermaid, Gruesome Ripped Out Eyes, A Bullet Wound to the Head, and a Pretty Pink Doll.
Any more requests? Hugs & Harajuku Love,
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
NYX: Harmonica Round Lipstick
Fristy, pink lipsticks may not be everyones favorite - some claim it makes for yellow teeth while others state that it causes dull skin. If you have skin like mine, it's not the case! Olive skin, darker skin, tan skin...THIS lipstick is for US! While that's not to say it won't look good on light skin, I do see why those with said skin would be disappointed with it; I however, LOVE IT.
It makes for gorgeous, sultry nudey pink lips - the perfect compliment to a dark, smokey eye! My opinion? Its all about the eyes. Honestly, sure this frosty pink deliciousness may make certain skin "pale", but so would a lot of other colors if we operate under that theory - so how do those of you with paler skin fix that? BRING OUT THOSE EYES!
I truly believe that YOU make makeup beautiful, NOT the other way around. This lipstick *Harmonica* is absolutely flattering to darker toned skin, its dazzling, not your typical frosty pink either!
Price: $3.99 (on average)
I would certainly buy this again, but Im curious to hear from my lighter skinned beauties out there...what do you feel makes YOUR skin appear "dull"?
Frosty Pink Kisses,
It makes for gorgeous, sultry nudey pink lips - the perfect compliment to a dark, smokey eye! My opinion? Its all about the eyes. Honestly, sure this frosty pink deliciousness may make certain skin "pale", but so would a lot of other colors if we operate under that theory - so how do those of you with paler skin fix that? BRING OUT THOSE EYES!
I truly believe that YOU make makeup beautiful, NOT the other way around. This lipstick *Harmonica* is absolutely flattering to darker toned skin, its dazzling, not your typical frosty pink either!
Price: $3.99 (on average)
I would certainly buy this again, but Im curious to hear from my lighter skinned beauties out there...what do you feel makes YOUR skin appear "dull"?
Frosty Pink Kisses,

Thank You: Betsey Johnson Runway Show 2011
My obvious love for lacquered lips ventures far beyond one’s own understanding – THIS I am fully aware of. However one gloss has been unattainable – it has now become my ultimate conquest – it is the absolute prettiest pink of all pinks! A color that has the ability to make any girl smile- the #1 color for lips used at this year’s fashion Week NYC in the Betsey Johnson Runway show, GIGGLES stands up to its name!

Clinique: Black Honey Almost Lipstick
I recently picked up Clinique’s Black Honey Almost Lipstick to review on YouTube, the color not only won me over from the moment it touched my lips, but I felt it would be the best color to tell you ladies about – especially those who have sent me requests asking how to wear a dark shade. Black Honey’s moisture-rich, balmy texture creates a glossy feel giving you a buildable color; it goes on with ease and creates a gorgeous simplistic look whichever way it’s worn. From my tube, Black Honey appears near black with undertones of maroon, once applied, your lips become a beautiful flushed color and have an irresistible shine! The most amazing aspects of this lip product os how it looks on each person – Clinique is the first to claim that this color looks “different on everyone” wearing it – which truly makes this a universal product. Skin tones celebrate because this color looks great on EVERYONE!
Some fun beauty tips for you to enjoy!
I found this interesting and thought I would share!
Clear lip balms and glosses can be used to make almost any powder product into a multiple use product.
- Lip balms will deliver a matte finish.
- Clear lipstick delivers a creamy sheer finish.
- Lipgloss naturally delivers a shiny finish.
- Ivory mousse eye shadow can be used to turn any powdered eyeshadow into a cream shadow.
- You can even use ivory mousse eye shadow to turn pink and peach eye shadows into blush.-
Cream moisturizers can also be mixed with powdered products for custom blush colors.
Herban Luxe Review & YOUTUBE GIVEAWAY!
Recently I was given the opportunity to review Herban Luxe Cosmetics, a Connecticut based, organic & hand crafted beauty company, Herban Luxe has stolen my heart! I was sent their new Moscato Wine Lipstick, their *Passion* spearmint lip gloss, a cake shadow in “Wicked Chalice”, and a RollerBabe shadow in *7 Years in Tibet*. I decided to try out the lip gloss and the cake shadow – both have surpassed my initial presumptions! Many times I have tried organic or mineral cosmetics only to be more than slightly disappointed in quality, staying power, or both; Herban Luxe Cosmetics were more than adequate in terms of lasting time – the shadow is going strong at 5 hours (with UD Primer Potion underneath) and the gloss has only been reapplied twice in that time.
The Moscato Wine Lipstick was the first thing that caught my eye on the Etsy Store – it was just such a unique and mindful way to utilize the antioxidants of wine. I truly loved how for each item was included a write up of ingredients and uses – brilliant. The packaging is wonderfully tactful and professional, clean and unbroken upon arrival. As I write this up, I keep getting wafts of the delectable scent of the lip gloss – sugary and menthe, all wrapped up into one creamy ultra gloss! Distracting and delicious!
I am looking forward to trying out the several other colors of cake shadows, Wicked Chalice is a gorgeous moss green with dazzling golden flecks inlaid – incredibly pigmented, soft, and blendable.
The Moscato Wine Lipstick was the first thing that caught my eye on the Etsy Store – it was just such a unique and mindful way to utilize the antioxidants of wine. I truly loved how for each item was included a write up of ingredients and uses – brilliant. The packaging is wonderfully tactful and professional, clean and unbroken upon arrival. As I write this up, I keep getting wafts of the delectable scent of the lip gloss – sugary and menthe, all wrapped up into one creamy ultra gloss! Distracting and delicious!
I am looking forward to trying out the several other colors of cake shadows, Wicked Chalice is a gorgeous moss green with dazzling golden flecks inlaid – incredibly pigmented, soft, and blendable.
None of the cosmetics contain preservatives, this is a key piece of information to know when handling, storing, and keeping your HL products.
Lastly, the way owner Myra Roldan shares of herself and her beginning in making these beautiful creations is so poignant and so touching, but does not cross the professional boundary – its just enough to make me want to come back for more.
Check out Herban Luxe here!
LIKE Herban Luxe on Facebook:
Lots of love & organic kisses,
Crystal xoxo
Crystal xoxo
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